Panarea – underwater excursions

Lo Scoglio di “Petra Nave”,Il Relitto di Lisca Bianca

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Lo Scoglio di “Petra Nave”

Petra Nave is a large rock separated from the island by imposing volcanic cliffs; being in fact a prominent part of the steep sea-bed which surrounds Panarea.

Here the sea-bed gradually descends. Passing underwater in the channel between a submerged rock and the main rock, you have to change direction pointing slightly towards the right.

Crossing a slope, but still maintaining the same direction until reaching a group of rocks, you are faced with a highly coloured opening, where you can find a great variety of marine life.

The object of our dive is a huge mountain of stone,which from a maximum depth of 33 metres rises to 11 metres at its peak, and it is a truly remarkable expanse. It’s made up of enormous steep, alternate rocks to monolithic pinnacles among which narrow valleys are created.

Il Relitto di Lisca Bianca

Finding the English merchant ship wreck is rather easy: from Panarea you break towards the Lisca Bianca rock and cross the channel between it the and the nearby Bottaro rock. A tiny beach is evident at the base of Lisca Bianca’s rocks, facing towards the Bottaro rock.

Further on,past the beach, the island’s coast changes direction sharply around a clearly visible point. Alongside this on the sea-bed from 30 to 40 metres deep, the wreck of the English ship lies in an upright position.

An iron structure, perhaps an old capstan, lying on the sand at a depth of exactly 12 metres, confirms you are moving in the right direction.

Arriving at 25 metres, where a step closes the slope you find the wreck on a level sedimentary sea-bed.



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