Flora and fauna at the Aeolian islands

The Mediterranean maquis grows spontaneously all over the archipelago of the Aeolian islands.

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It is mostly made up of oleanders, broom, myrtle and a variety of oak with prickly leaves. Vineyards and capers are widespread and cultivation of both is intense.


Fine, natural wines are produced with a high alcohol content. Among these is the prestigious “Malvasia delle Lipari”, a dense wine with soft flavour  and light colour, classified as one of the best dessert wines.


The capers, found on the islands of Lipari and Salina, grow spontaneously in the countryside, up the sides of rocks or along stone walls. Used together with the Malvasia in local cooking, they are exported all over the world.


The fauna includes sheep and goat rearing and cattle, and almost all the islands have wild rabbits. The only birds are migrating ones. There is however an abundance of fish.

Swordfish, tuna and blue fish (such as sardines, mackerel and anchovies) are all caught, as are crustaceans and molluscs.

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